United for Land Rights in the Philippines
Read up on how ILC members and partners are supporting land reform processes at local and national level.
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Read up on how ILC members and partners are supporting land reform processes at local and national level.
#9. Effective actions against land grabbing #10. Protection for land rights defenders #Asia #Philippines #PAKISAMA #CPA #TFM #AFA #PAFID #AR NOW! #XSF #ANGOC #CARRD #National Land Coalitions #Land & Environment Defenders
#Asia #People's Data #Global Goals #Philippines #Research #IFAD #ANGOC
#People's Data #8. Transparent and accessible information #Philippines #IFAD #ANGOC
#Africa #2. Strong small-scale farming systems #5. Secure territorial rights for indigenous peoples #8. Transparent and accessible information #4. Equal Land Rights for Women #Briefs #South Africa #LHR #NATURAL JUSTICE #TRALSO #NKUZI #LAMOSA #AFRA #National Land Coalitions
#5. Secure territorial rights for indigenous peoples #8. Transparent and accessible information #9. Effective actions against land grabbing #4. Equal Land Rights for Women #Briefs #Cameroon #IFAD #MBOSCUDA #OXFAM #COMINSUD #FPAE #CED #IISD #COMAID #National Land Coalitions
#1. Secure tenure rights #3. Diverse tenure systems #5. Secure territorial rights for indigenous peoples #7. Inclusive decision-making #4. Equal Land Rights for Women #Women's Land Rights #Briefs #Peru #CONVEAGRO #CAAAP #SER #ONAMIAP #CEPES #IBC #CISEPA-PUCP #National Land Coalitions