ILC is a learning network and is central to our alliance of peers, who work together under a set of common commitments to people-centred land governance. Discover the cross-country and cross-regional learning initiatives since 2017.
ILC members are doing amazing work! The Database is a space to share and learn from the experiences of our network, offering a rich source of tools, methodologies and strategies to overcome the challenges they encounter in their fight for land rights.
ILC is a learning network and is central to our alliance of peers, who work together under a set of common commitments to people-centred land governance. Discover the cross-country and cross-regional learning initiatives since 2017.
ILC members are doing amazing work! The Database is a space to share and learn from the experiences of our network, offering a rich source of tools, methodologies and strategies to overcome the challenges they encounter in their fight for land rights.
#Africa#Advocacy & campaigning#Land conflict resolution#Land policy and multi-stakeholder dialogue#Advocacy & Campaigns#Use of media and communication#Research and training#Cameroon#MBOSCUDA#PROPAC#CED#COMAID
#1. Secure tenure rights#3. Diverse tenure systems#5. Secure territorial rights for indigenous peoples#7. Inclusive decision-making#4. Equal Land Rights for Women#Women's Land Rights#Briefs#Peru#CONVEAGRO#CAAAP#SER#ONAMIAP#CEPES#IBC#CISEPA-PUCP#National Land Coalitions
#National Land Coalitions#1. Secure tenure rights#3. Diverse tenure systems#4. Equal Land Rights for Women#6. Locally managed ecosystems#7. Inclusive decision-making#Kenya#Tanzania#Briefs#RECONCILE#TNRF