VGGT+10 synthesis report
The International Land Coalition and Welthungerhilfe with support from GIZ celebrated the 10th anniversary of the Guidelines’ endorsement by launching the VGGT+10 Initiative with the goal to take stock and assess to which degree the Guidelines have been used as an orientation for national-level tenure reform processes and as a tool to contribute to tenure security. We also aimed at mobilizing and renewing concrete political commitments and to identifying the next steps for the further application of the Guidelines. Thanks to this Initiative, multi-stakeholder platforms successfully developed and maintained strategic collaboration with their respective Governments on land tenure reform.
This report is a product of the VGGT+10 Initiative and focuses on the progress made across the 12 participating countries assessed
There has been significant progress in improving policies and legislation on the governance of tenure, with eleven of the twelve countries passing new policies and/or legislation or making major amendments. Many of the improved policies are aligned with the VGGT and support their principles.