This series of four Learning Labs is dedicated to the work of members directly representing land users. What’s unique about these organisations? What are their challenges and success stories? How do they contribute to the achievements of the network, and how can the network best support their work?
Over 100 ILC member organisations represent 56+ thousand communities and more than 71 million people around the globe. They directly represent and are accountable to land users, whether at the local level as small grassroots organisations or on a larger scale as regional farmers’ federations. These organisations are at the heart of ILC’s mission.
Between the 24th and 27th of May, peoples’ organisations directly representing land users facilitated a series of lively exchanges among pastoralists, women, young farmers and indigenous peoples.
- Who are the organisations directly representing land users, and what’s special about them?
- What are their main challenges and success stories?
- How do they engage with the Coalition and contribute to its achievements?
- How can ILC best support their efforts to secure their rights to land, territories and natural resources?