NES Madagascar: Good Practices from a Multi-Stakeholder Platform
NES Madagascar stands out for the inclusiveness of the approach it adopted since its creation. In 2012 an inception workshop to discuss land issues was organised by involving numerous stakeholders from the civil society, the private sector, academia, the Government and donor agencies. Based on the outcomes of the workshop, a ‘document de cadrage’ was produced outlining the objectives and suggesting the main lines of action agreed upon by participants. The document became an important reference and was taken into high consideration by the Government in the process of revision of the 2005 Lettre de Politique Foncière.
The NES used communications and advocacy effectively in their dialogue with the Government, maintaining a consistent line of action in spite of the political instability. A strategic engagement with donors allowed the NES to not only obtain funds from the European Union and the United Nations, but also increase the NES’ credibility as a platform and persuade stakeholders to get involved. In addition, the NES benefitted from the support of a group of donors that pushed the Government to adopt a more inclusive approach and organise a roundtable with the civil society to discuss the draft land policy.