"Data is key in achieving AU's 2063 agenda and in promoting responsible land related investments"
Where is land in the SDGs, NUA and Agenda 2063? And what are the challenges we face to harnessing data for land governance in Africa? The lack – or limitations – of data in many institutions on land tenure, especially on the perception of land tenure security; the sensitivity on land governance issues that lead to slow buy-in on data collection initiatives from governments; different levels of technological advancement at country levels impeding admin data; and the assumption that legal frameworks would guarantee land ownership and tenure security, therefore relegating data to a second tier approach; finally, funding challenges and COVID-19 are hindering primary data collection.
But these challenges are not insurmountable. Learn from speakers and participants what tools and strategies are available to overcome these challenges, and what we can do to improve them.
- Clinton Omsula, GLTN-UN Habitat: "Land and the global development agenda: progress, challenges and opportunities in Africa"
- Malcolm Childress, Co-Director of Prindex & Director of Global Land Alliance (GLA): "Relevant findings for Africa from the PRINDEX 2020 global report"
- Clement Adjorlolo, Principal Programme Officer, AUDA-NEPAD: "Collection of data and establishment of Help Desk on land governance in Africa"
- Ahmadou Kanoute, Executive Director, CICODEV Africa: "Launch of “Tools for Land Governance in Africa” report"
- Frank Pichel, Chief Programs Officer & Co-Founder, CADASTA: "Rapid Mapping of Areas Marked for Demolitions and Evictions in Nairobi during COVID-19"
- Nsama Chikolwa Nsemiwe, Africa Union: "Promoting land tenure security in Africa: findings from the AU Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) biennial review report"
The panel was moderated by Ibrahima KA, Partnership & Resource Mobilisation Officer at ILC Africa.
Land and the global development agenda: progress, challenges and opportunities in Africa
Where is land in the SDGs, NUA and Agenda 2063? What are the challenges and efforts in addressing land-related data gaps? What are the opportunities for harnessing data in Africa? What needs to be done differently?
GLTN-UN HABITAT presentation
Relevant findings for Africa from the PRINDEX 2020 global report
What is PRINDEX, what does it measure and how? What do we want to achieve with this data? What is data telling us?
PRINDEX presentation
Collection of data and establishment of Help Desk on land governance in Africa
What are the critical issues facing data on land governance in Africa? What is AUDA-NEPAD land governance programme (LGP) doing about it? How do national helpdesks work?
AUDA-NEPAD presentation
“Tools for Land Governance in Africa” report
CICODEV Africa, with the support of ILC, produced a study to (i) make an inventory, introductory presentation of various monitoring tools, their objectives and monitoring indicators, as well as the developing organizations; (ii) analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the various tools, their complementary qualities/overlaps, and possible synergies. The inventory wants to be an easy-to access resource for CSOs.
Rapid Mapping of Areas Marked for Demolitions and Evictions in Nairobi during COVID-19
How is CADASTA bridging the data and capacity gaps in property rights documentation? How to rethink traditional approaches? How has CADASTA responded to the evictions of more than 8,000 people from informal settlements in Nairobi during the COVID crisis?
CADASTA presentation
Promoting land tenure security in africa: findings from the AU CAADP biennial review report
What is the Malabo Declaration and how does CAADP work under this framework? How is progress on land-related targets measured? What are the results of the biennial review? What is this data telling us, and what are its limitations? How can the reporting be improved?
CAADP presentation
Learn more from the Africa Land Forum 2020
[Africa Land Forum 2020] Inclusion and gender equality in the framework of Agenda 2063
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Read More[Africa Land Forum 2020] How rangelands can help fight against land conflicts in Africa
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