The ILC Rangelands Initiative is supporting the development of good practice in making rangelands more secure around the world through ILC members and partners
Making Rangelands more secure in Cameroon
Making Rangelands more secure in Cameroon
In Cameroon ILC members agreed that a necessary starting point for doing this was to understand and document the good practice that currently exists. This report documents this experience through a set of case studies focusing on five key thematic areas.
Other Issue Papers in the Rangelands Series:
No. 1: Making rangelands secure: Past experience and future options
No. 2: Participatory rangeland resource mapping as a valuable tool for village land use planning in Tanzania
No. 3: Village land use planning in rangelands: Good practice and lessons learned
No. 4: Plotting progress: Integrated planning in the rangelands of Kenya, Ethiopia and Uganda
No. 5: Conservation and "Land Grabbing" in Rangelands: Part of the Problem or Part of the Solution?
No. 6 Pastoralists Do Plan! Community-Led Land Use Planning in the Pastoral Areas of Ethiopia
No.7: Improving the Implementation of Land Policy and Legislation in Pastoral Areas of Tanzania