A view of the Dinagat Islands. Photo: ILC/Lanz Espacio
The province of Dinagat Islands is identified as a group of mega-diverse small islands in the Philippines with an extremely high level of critical terrestrial ecosystems with unique endemism of flora and fauna, of which more than half are found nowhere else in the world. The province is also home to Mounts Kambinliw and Redondo, a key biodiversity area (KBA) — a priority site for conservation.
The US-based Rainforest Trust (RFT) has partnered with ILC Asia, its members KAISAHAN and the Philippine Association for Intercultural Development (PAFID), and the Balay Alternative Legal Advocates For Development In Mindanaw (BALAOD Mindanaw) to assist Dinagat stakeholders in ensuring the declaration and the proper management of key biodiversity areas and local conservation areas through the initiative of empowered communities.
This partnership has led to the formation of DINAGAT C4C, or DINAGAT COMMUNITIES FOR CONSERVATION, which aspires to promote and uphold sustainable conservation and the preservation of our biodiversity in the island province. The project seeks to contribute to the Philippines' global commitment to preserve biological diversity, as well as protect critical flora and faunal species amid climate change. It is also expected to benefit communities of Dinagat Islands with improved, sustainable, and inclusive land use management of resources.
Read the Dinagat C4C brochure for more information