About the database of good practices
Why a Database of Good Practices?
One of the motivations for joining the International Land Coalition is for members to have a dedicated space to share experiences with, and learn from other members. That is why the ILC Secretariat has developed the Database of Good Practices. The Database is organised around the 10 commitments for people-centred land governance. This way the case studies in the Database provide concrete examples and guidance to the members and partners of ILC on how to achieve each of these commitments.
How to contribute to the Database of Good Practices?
Any organisation with experience in securing access to land can contribute to the Database of Good Practices. The Coalition is particularly keen on documenting the experiences of its members, but non-members are not excluded from contributing.
In order to contribute to the Database, please send your good practice to the ILC Secretariat, using the attached template. After screening for the relevance of the good practice to any of the 10 commitments, the ILC Secretariat will take care of its further development, editing and layout.
How are the case studies in the Database of Good Practices used?
The case studies in the Database are used in many ways, including in:
- Workshops, learning events, or learning exchanges of the ILC or ILC members;
- Ideas Fairs of the regional and global land forums;
- Publications of the ILC or ILC members;
- Design of new projects and programmes;
- Advocacy campaigns of the ILC or ILC members.
The case studies are put in the public domain with the Creative Common licence CC BY-NC 3.0. This means that they are freely available for non-commercial use by anybody, provided that the source of the case studies is always acknowledged.
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