What is land inequality, and what are the main issues connected with it in Asia? What kind of solutions can address the roots of land inequality?
27 OCTOBER 2021 | 4 - 5.15 PM Bangkok/Jakarta time
Globally and in the Asian continent, Land Inequality (LI) is substantively growing. It is increasing to the extent that it is significantly higher than it has ever been registered before. Unequal access to land is threatening the livelihoods of 2.5 billion people, globally. In South Asia, countries show the highest levels of inequality, where 10% of landowners possess up to 75% of agricultural land. But what is land inequality? How do we measure it? What kind of impact does it have on the people who suffer from this phenomenon? And what kind of solutions can address the roots of land inequality?
This Learning Lab aims at raising awareness and sharing experiences on the issue of land Inequality in Asia, also considering the region’s internal diversity and the substantive research gaps on this topic. It is organised in conjunction with ILC Asia Land Forum and in partnership with Xavier Science Foundation.
- Why land inequality in Asia prevails and the main issues connected with it, such as large-scale land acquisitions and growing landless population;
- Learn from the Land Inequality Initiative and hear how, in specific contexts in Asia, people have implemented solutions from the ground up;
- Learn about existing research on land inequality from experts in the region who are at the frontline of promoting secure land rights.
- Roel Ravanera, Xavier Science Foundation (XSF), Philippines
- Can Truong Quoc, The Consultative Institute for Socio-Economic Development of Rural and Mountainous Areas (CISDOMA), Vietnam
- Dharm Raj Joshi, NES Nepal
- Myline Macabuhay, Asian Farmers’ Association (AFA)
The synthesis report "Uneven ground" provides the most comprehensive picture available today on land inequality, informed by 17 specially-commissioned research papers as well as analysis of existing data and literature. It lays out in detail the causes and consequences of land inequality, the contributing factors and interconnected global crises, and analyses potential solutions and offers a potential pathway to change.
The solution paper "Building inclusive food chains: pathways beyond land inequality through collective action" examines eight cases of good practice in collective action for inclusive food chains. They cover the horticultural, coffee, and rice sectors in Vietnam and the cocoa sectors of Peru and Switzerland. The results demonstrate that CA for inclusive food chains is effectively challenging the drivers of land inequality, along four distinct pathways.
This case study highlights the struggles of an indigenous people in Mindanao to regain control over their ancestral domains. It chronicles how indigenous peoples in the Philippines were marginalised and pushed to the hinterlands. However, with reforms aimed at redistributing resources initiated after the People Power revolution of 1986, opportunities have been opened up for them to reclaim their ancestral domains. Indigenous communities, however, still have to contend with competing interests from other sectors in society in claiming their rights and advancing the cause of land equality.
This lab is organised in conjunction with ILC Asia Land Forum. Learn more!