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2015 ILC Award


Uganda Land Alliance

During the 2015 Global Land Forum's 20 years celebration, the Uganda Land Alliance was announced the recipient of the 2015 ILC Award for their outstanding contribution towards ILC's 9th commitment  "effective actions against land grabbing".  

A Common Right

The Uganda Land Alliance is an exceptional example of an organisation who has used existing laws to empower and protect those living on and from the land. By working with over 50 communities in Uganda to set up Communal Land Associations (CLA), communities like Karamoja have been able to use existing laws to defend themselves against the insurgence of land grabbing and ensure fair compensation for investments. 

This is the the first time the existing law is being used for the benefit of protecting communal land rights in Uganda.

In celebration of this great achievement, the ILC has documented ULA's work in the Karamoja region through a visual project entitled "A Common Right".

Uganda Land Alliance's Good Practice

( PDF 1,9 Mio )

A Common Right - ULA and the Karamojong